Cesar, 222 E 44th

Cesar was born and raised in Queens. He has been a doorman for almost 3 years. This job is only a transition for him.

What he likes about his job is the tight friendship that exists between him and some of the people who work in his building. Sometimes he goes out to grab a beer or two with some of them. As his building hosts a TV show, he even gets to meet celebrities.

The variety of cultures, backgrounds and people make New York a city he loves. If it was not for the stressful commuting and trafic, he would not mind living there longer.
Cesar has traveled a lot : through California, Alabam, Mississipi and many other places. But he always came back to New York.

In the near future, he is moving to Florida, to live with his girlfriend. His other plans include various things like living in Australia. And studying Zoology.

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The views and words expressed in this blog do not reflect the views of the Blogger but those of the interviewed doormen.