Mirsad, 19 E 88th St

Mirsad was born in Montenegro. He has been working as a doorman for 12 years in this neighborhood. Mirsad speaks many languages and his job allows him to practice them with the numerous tourists who populate the area.

He loves New York and takes the number of tourists who come to visit this city every year as a good example of its uniqueness. Finding a job here is way easier than anywhere else. In his opinion, doormen are one of the main reason why this city never sleeps : they keep it that way.

When he is not working, Mirsad runs : at least 6 miles per day, from his home to work in the morning and the way back at night. He already ran 3 Marathons, including one in Boston. He says it is a great way to see the city in action. Even when he has personal problems, running through New York and watching people go by makes him feel better about it.

What he prefers about New York is the raw energy that keeps people going. In his case, running.

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